Invisible Children
Over a million Israelis are trapped in a cycle of domestic violence. According to WIZO’s annual published Violence Index, some 450,000 of these victims are children. Yet very few, less than 2,000, receive the emotional interventions needed to deal with their life circumstances and heal from their traumas.
The children who witness domestic violence cannot process what they have seen. They may suffer emotional trauma, and be at risk of developing PTSD and/or emulating the actions of their parents, reasoning that it is OK to be violent against their mothers or other women in general. They may arrive at day care or school tired, or become unusually quiet. They may have mood swings, unusual behavior patterns, difficult interpersonal skills, or display violent behavior during play.

Launching the Program
To address this pressing national problem, WIZO launched its “Behind Closed Doors: The Invisible Children” program in 2017. The program equips professionals in the field of child development, caregivers, and educators with the necessary know-how and tools to identify and reach these children as early as possible. Making sure no child in need is ever overlooked and receives life-changing early interventions.
Over the past seven years, WIZO has conducted over 350 trainings for 16,000 professionals across Israel; held annual conferences to raise awareness of the topic; and funded multi-media campaigns.
In recent years, WIZO has focused on strengthening ties with large employers in Israel such as Microsoft, Amdocs, banks, etc. who have expressed a desire and responsibility for preventing domestic violence by educating their employees. WIZO has crafted and led workshops tailored to the workplace, enabling us to reach a wider circle in Israeli society to both help victims and raise awareness among adults.
WIZO USA, The Women’s International Zionist Organization, is a worldwide non-profit organization that operates over 800 social welfare projects in Israel.
Beverly Hills, CA 9021
Fax: 212-751-6818