Day Care Centers
Emergency Frameworks and Foster Homes For Kids at Risk
Long Hour Day Care Centers
After-School Therapeutic Centers
Babies In Daycare
The Very Best For Every Child
WIZO USA began over 90 years ago by providing mothers with the means to feed their children. WIZO USA has since grown to become Israel’s leading organization for early childhood care and education. WIZO USA remains dedicated to Israel’s next generation and their parents by providing excellent childcare and top education to babies and toddlers with a special emphasis on changing the difficult circumstances of children at risk. WIZO USA nurtures the child and gives mothers peace of mind and the freedom to work, knowing that their toddlers are receiving the very best start in life.
Our Main Goals:
✓ To provide the best age-appropriate education while taking into consideration the unique variables of each child’s surroundings, as well as providing innovative programs for children at risk.
✓ To give young families the tools to improve their quality of life, strengthen their parenting abilities, ensure family welfare and give them tools for personal growth.
✓ To strengthen Israeli society by enabling more young parents to enter the workforce, especially women, and to create a leading, affordable and universal education system that ensures that each child will have equal opportunities.
✓ To promote and develop professionals at WIZO USAs’ daycare centers as well as other early childhood programs in Israel.
WIZO California Sponsored Projects
WIZO California is responsible for operating and maintaining two important Day Care Centers: Ramat Shikma in Ramat Gan and the Bertha and Mex Edelstein Citrin Multipurpose Day Care Center in Yavneh. Each center supports a unique community and WIZO California has invested in the maintenance and special projects for each center.
Los Angeles-based Younes and Soraya Nazarian Family Foundation opened a new WIZO Center in Tel Aviv in 2021.Named the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Day Care and Early Childhood Education Center, the new Nazarian Center has four classes for more than one hundred children. In the 1950s, Nazarian family matriarch Goldbahar Aviva Chachami Nazarian volunteered in WIZO medical facilities after making aliyah to Israel from Iran. Her daughter-in-law, Soraya, later became a founding member of WIZO Los Angeles after she moved to the United States from Iran.
Soraya, who is a renowned sculptor, created a bronze relief of her mother-in-law, which includes an inscription about her, that is placed at the entrance to the day-care center. Soraya Nazarian has been a founding member of WIZO California, and we are beyond grateful for her commitment and that of her family.
WIZO USA, The Women’s International Zionist Organization, is a worldwide non-profit organization that operates over 800 social welfare projects in Israel.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Fax: 212-751-6818