The New York Chapter
Since 1982, WIZO NY, a volunteer organization that also serves as WIZO USA Headquarters, has been unwaveringly committed to supporting our projects and programs for the women, children and elderly in Israel. WIZO NY and our sister chapters across the country are responsible for operating and maintaining 9 Day Care centers, 2 Youth Villages and Dormitories for youth at risk, 2 Shelters for Battered Women and their children, and a center for the Prevention of Violence as part of the 800 project network WIZO operates throughout the country.
In the United states WIZO aims to strengthen the bonds between Israel and American Jewry by promoting Jewish identity and education. WIZO New York is a charitable tax-exempt organization pursuant to Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID: 13-3041381
National Board Members

Evelyn Sommer

Gail Perl

Joan Kahn

Mireille Manocherian

Victoria Sakhai

Mira Sofer

Marci Waterman
New York Executive

Lisa Ohebshalom

Elisa Fadlun

Esther Chetrit

Lizzie Domansky

Brenda Abuaf
Governing Board of Directors

Wilma Aschendorf

Juliet Berkowitz

Haley Lieberman Binn

Nancy Chetrit

Debbie Cooper

Fortune Dushey

Lauren Schor Geller

Mona Gora-Sterling

Marjorie Harris

Charlene Khaghan

Jamie Mitchell

Marcy Sakhai

Mara Sandler

Lydia Shalem

Arlette Shaya
Elizabeth Shaoul Wilens

Monica Shatz

Rachel Shnay

Roxana Tetenbaum

Tanya Zuckerbrot

Michele Lee Fine

Debbie August

Lauren Behfarin

Arielle Krinick

Lauren Tetenbaum Dorman

Rachel Aschendorf

Alicia Chetrit

Stephan Sakhai
New York Board of Directors
Azita Aghravi
Marisa Fox Bevilaqua
Erit Cohen
Caren Constantiner
Melanie Damaghi
Chaiki Feldman
Sima Ghadamian
Carin Gribetz
Gila Goodman
Nazee Moinian
Ruty Fouzailoff
Dina Perry
Samantha Podolsky
Gabriela Shnay
Sherrie Soleymani
Estera Stawski
Arlene Stein
Chantal Taic
Debi Wisch
Alison Wolfson
Hope Ziff

The Rising Leaders Chapter
The Rising Leaders chapter’s events range from family events, lectures and series, local community service events, singles events and more.

The Young Leadership Chapter
The Young Leadership chapter’s events range from tech talks, happy hours, singles events, athletic tournaments and more.
WIZO USA, The Women’s International Zionist Organization, is a worldwide non-profit organization that operates over 800 social welfare projects in Israel.
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